BINGO Celebrations

Reading is its own reward, but prizes are fun too.

Our plan is to send out something little to everyone who actually sends in their BOOK BINGO card (filled in with as many books as you read this summer) on August 15th. And we will all cheer for you whenever you complete a BINGO row or column too.

It is up to your family if you do more than cheer whenever you get BINGO by completing an entire row or column (or diagonal too!).  Here are some ideas for ways to celebrate:

1. A trip to the library!
2. Go out for ice cream!
3. Even better---get Hawaiian Ice!
4. Add a sticker to your BINGO sheet.
5. Visit your local bookstore!
6. You get to set up a book nook in your favorite corner of your house (think pillows and reading light!).
7. Invite a friend over for an adventure.
8. Extra 15 minutes to read at bedtime.
9. Rent the movie adaptation of a book you read!
10. Take a photo of you reading and send it to us at aokaidan at hotmail dot com

Okay, so that last one is really more of a prize for us, but we would love a photo of you actually reading!

We want you to enjoy the books you choose to read----so these rewards are just ways to celebrate when you've finished five categories of books (or four if you use that Free Space!).

Let us know if you come up with more ways to celebrate your reading this summer!

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